Sunday, December 28, 2014

A Better Version

Isn't this the time of year when everyone makes resolutions for the new year? I made one for myself last year, but...uh...I failed to follow through. My resolution was to not buy anymore books until I'd read all the books I already own. Needless to say, my resolve faded quickly...

I will say, however, that while I didn't hit my mark, I did change a lot of my reading habits for the better. I did actually purchase less books than I normally do in a year, and I read more of the books I already have at home. I made more time to read because I was consciously aware of how many really great books I own and I'd been meaning to read. I also hesitate now, before I buy a book, and look at my own shelves first for something to read. It doesn't always mean I don't buy the book, but I usually end up reading something I already have first before I read the new book. That's a good thing. That's a change for the better, I think.

So, this year, my resolution is less complicated, less specific, and more reasonable. This year my only resolution is be a better version of myself. Any improvement on the old me, no matter how slight, will be considered a success and a reason to celebrate at the end of 2015.

You see, I like me. I really do. I'm completely comfortable with who I am, but I'm certainly not the best I can be. Not yet. Not ever. I'm always learning, always improving, always striving for something more. I'm currently learning a new language, deciding what new college courses I'd like to take, working on my novel, researching better ways to help children learn to read, and always looking for ways to be a better teacher - just to name a few things.

If I can improve, even just a little, in any of those areas, I've accomplished a great deal towards making a better version of myself. Simple, yes? But hard work. A better version takes a great deal of work, but when I think about how much better the new model will think and grow and be able to give back to the world, I certainly think it's worth the effort.

I wish you all the happiest of New Years! Whatever else you may resolve to do in the upcoming year, I hope you resolve to work toward a goal that makes you happy in life.

God bless.


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