Sunday, March 14, 2021

Back in the Writing Saddle

It's time. 

Time to begin again.

Life is full of restarts. No one knows this better than I do.

I won't write about what has happened since the last time I blogged. We are all too aware of all that. I will say, instead, that I've learned a lot in the last year. I've worked really hard and found this old dog can still learn new tricks, since I now teach both virtually and in a classroom. I know how to use more technology now than I ever care to list...or ever care to use outside of my job. It's one of the reasons I stopped blogging: too much screen time required for teaching in the last year.

I have read a lot of books in the last year, though, and I look forward to sharing some book reviews with you! I'm currently on Spring Break from school, so I will post a book review later on this week. I hope you'll come back and check it out! 

And, one more thing,...if you're a book lover and want a good place to go to ONLY discuss books and your love of reading, I'd like to encourage you to join Bookaholics on Facebook. When I reached the point of giving up on social media in the last year, I found Bookaholics, and they saved me. :)

Happy reading!

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